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The Booking Button

Your premium subscription to Bellebnb.com includes an embeddable booking widget, or ‘booking button’. Your guests can book rooms directly from your hotel website. Visitors don’t have to leave your website and reservations made through the booking button are commission free.

Your premium subscription to Bellebnb.com includes an embeddable booking widget, or ‘booking button’. Your guests can book rooms directly from your hotel website. Visitors don’t have to leave your website and reservations made through the booking button are commission free.

Adding a New Widget

With just a few settings you can generate a new booking button that can be pasted into any web page.

Your premium subscription to Bellebnb.com includes an embeddable booking widget, or ‘booking button’. Your guests can book rooms directly from your hotel website. Visitors don’t have to leave your website and reservations made through the booking button are commission free.

The booking widget makes your booking engine available to your guests from anywhere you like without getting in the way.

Your premium subscription to Bellebnb.com includes an embeddable booking widget, or ‘booking button’. Your guests can book rooms directly from your hotel website. Visitors don’t have to leave your website and reservations made through the booking button are commission free.

Booking Button Availability

You can mix and match the booking button with your Bellebnb.com booking engine. Use the widget to take bookings directly from your website, then use your booking engine to handle guest services during and after their stay for messaging, concierge service, invoicing, etc.

The booking button is available free with the channel manager, and is only available with a paid subscription plan.

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